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Our BIG project - a Community Play

Work is taking place on what will be a two-year project for Looping the Loop. We are making a community play based around the famous showman 'Lord' George Sanger and the world of circus. Sanger (1825 - 1911) began what is now Dreamland in Margate. He built the 2,000-seat Royal Palace Theatre in Ramsgate High Street. He was an entrepreneur, a survivor, he toured England and Europe with wild animals and a big top. 



Supported by Arts Council England, we have worked with artists and people across Thanet over six months up to April 2023. Working with playwright Fin Kennedy, we are developing the narrative for the play, the story we will tell and how the past reflects into the future and how people locally respond to the notion of Survival, Wonder and Pride. 

We invited an actor, dancer, musician and visual artist to develop four workshops each which were placed in a variety of places and groups, from Ellington Park in Ramsgate to the Quarterdeck Youth Centre in Margate and the Coastal Choir in Broadstairs. Find out more about the artists as you read down....

We have been building partnerships to help us make what will be our biggest single piece of work so far. In July 2023 we begin our second stage of developing the play. 


Ellington Park Workshops

Workshops in Ellington Park creating art work


Westwood Cross

A variety of events with our Sanger clowns

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Dreamland Heritage Trust

A project with the trust looking at some of Sanger's life


Half Term Workshops

Singing, Making Puppet Animals and Circus Skills

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Making lions in Ellington Park


Coming Soon

More projects coming soon

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